Saturday, December 12, 2009

Free e-Course :Want to become a Writer?(Part 3)

Chapter I : Basics
Writers are not born (continued)
We learnt that to become a writer, you must have INCLINATION and the positive mind- set. (Click here to see the previous post) We were talking about Visualization. What is it? This is directing your mind to work one way with a single focus. Whatever you want to become, can be achieved by Visualization. If you want to become a Writer, think of that whatever will happen to you as a Writer, in future.
Imagine - You have become a Writer. Family people, relatives and friends look upon you with awe. Your wife (or husband) goes on bragging that you are a Writer. People form an image about you as a Writer - a cut above the ordinary class. Whenever you meet them, you find something new in their eyes – an admiration – which was not there earlier. You write online. You write ebooks. You write web content. You write sales copy. You write Reviews; You write so many other things including stories, novels, science fiction and so on.
Imagine - You become a popular writer as J.K. Rowling. You earn a six figure income. You spend freely as you like and enjoy all the luxuries you have been longing for.
Believe me if you start Visualization as above, very frequently on a daily basis, it will become an obsession for you to become a Writer. This is the craving called INCLINATION, much needed for putting forth physical efforts, towards achieving your goal – You Become a Writer.
Without anybody telling you, you will start searching for ways and means to become a writer. If you have determination in your achieving the goal, you will not mind whatever comes between you and your ultimate goal. This obsession, this craving, this INCLINATION, will drive you day in and day out to become a Writer. Positive.
It is here you should understand what is PASSION. If you have passion for anything, say watching TV serials, or an action movie, or chatting with friends, can anything stop you from doing that? How much of interest you show in your passionate pastime? And how much you get irritated and impatient, if something comes between you and your passionate pastime? How you overcome all these obstacles and problems standing in the way and smash them in a snap to enjoy your passionate pastime?
This is exactly the power of PASSION. Anything you do with a passion – gardening; physical exercises; playing Bingo Games online; watching TV - will never get you tired, irrespective of the difficulties or long hours involved.
Likewise, if you engage yourself in Writing, it will become a PASSION for you. We will see more on this passionate writing pleasure. (To be continued)

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