Saturday, December 19, 2009

Free e-Course : Want to become a Writer?(Part 7)

Chapter I : Basics
Writers are not born (continued)
While learning to ride a cycle, you were told innumerable instructions by your mentor, just to safeguard you from falling and get injured. You learn cycling after some falling and bruises - but nevertheless learn finally the skill. Likewise, Writing is a skill you are going to learn by practicing. You may not get hurt by bruises here, but would get disheartened – unless you follow the instructions carefully and practice them ardently.
Well – visualization of real things – what is happening around you – into a different perspective is the starting key for writing. That is - whatever you see, experience and feel gets stored into your mind as thoughts. You know Writing is pouring your thoughts into words. You are going to “write” those thoughts into words – it is that easy.
The only mental exercise at this stage of preparing your mind, as clean like a well prepared soil for cultivation – is to OBSERVE. Want to know the difference between just “seeing” and “observing”?
Well – while you are on your way, you see a man hit by a car. Curiosity ends, when you see who is the man hit, his condition and what happens to him thereafter – like people rushing to help him and taking him for medical care. If you have the writer’s mind, you would not just simply see, but observe the whole thing more closely. You make a mental note of the appearance of that man; his approximate age; the injuries suffered by him (right leg; left hand; or backside of his head etc.).
You also observe the scene of occurrence for possible causes of that accident – reckless driving of the car; careless walking of the man; or a sudden development of somebody whirling around by skidding etc.
Now, if you are asked to explain the accident to some one else – your friend perhaps – all you can say is there was an accident on the way. Just this much, if you had only “seen” the occurrence of the accident, like most of the people around there.
But you can narrate the accident in detail more vividly, by having the mental attitude required for a writer. The color of the shirt the man was wearing; the real impact of the accident; extension of the injuries and what could have caused the accident – everything, if only you had “observed” the scene of the accident, with the mind of a writer. Can you now see the difference?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Free e-Course : Want to become a Writer?(Part 6)

Chapter I : Basics
Writers are not born (continued)
For becoming a Writer yourself, you have been seeing the preliminary steps so far. Why it is necessary to go into the mental exercises you have been learning? Well – you are going to transform yourself into a Writer– from whatever roles you have been playing, outwardly in the real world so far.
You may be a student, a professional, a businessman or woman, an employee, a father, mother, brother, sister or whatever. These are identifications of you in the society. Now – are you identified as a Writer? I am sure you are not – otherwise you will not be reading this.
For transforming yourself – I mean the inner-self – into a Writer, you are required to see things you have all along been seeing hitherto, differently. So it becomes imperative to prepare yourself to become a Writer. You are going to construct a skill – a skill all these years you were not having, but aspiring for, to become a Writer.
You must have watched farmers preparing the ground for sowing anything. They first clean up everything from the field, connected with the previous crop, without a trace. Dig and till the land hard, to make it ready for the new seed to get into it and grow healthy. This is what you are doing now – preparing the mind as clean as a slate, to let in new thoughts afresh to stick and grow.
Similarly for a brick and mortar building, a strong foundation is laid. After digging deep into the ground, hard stones are laid first, to withstand the construction for years. If you learn a skill, totally new to you, it will never go from you. For example, if you learn the skill of riding a bicycle, when you are eight or ten years, even at the age of sixty-plus, you can ride a bicycle whenever you get one – no matter what.
Remember when you first sat on the cycle to learn – your mentor was giving so many instructions. Sit upright; look straight; don’t bend your back; hold the handle bars tightly; this and that. You followed them earnestly – each one of them. When you learnt the balancing and were on your own – how elated you were on riding the cycle, feeling on the top of the world? (It is a different matter altogether when you were a regular cyclist, not following any of the first-day-cautions and fly).
This is what you are going to do when you are a full-fledged Writer. Now learn more on the exercises…. (To be continued).

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Free e-Course : Want to become a Writer?(Part 5)

Chapter I : Basics
Writers are not born (continued)
In the earlier parts (Click here to see the previous post) you did see that it is possible for you to become a writer yourself 100% if only you have – the will; the mind-set; the inclination; imagination; visualization of the future how it will be, if you become a writer; the passion to engage yourself in the writing pleasure and it is your thoughts you are pouring into words.
Yes – before starting to write you must think. Think calmly without any disturbance whatsoever. This is the thumb rule for any writing – a news report; story; novel; an article; an essay; a sales copy; press release; review and so on. When thinking clearly about a topic, you get the spark and it develops in your mind gradually. It starts flowing from that spark into what you are going to write about.
Many of us find the calm place to think is our bed. After a day’s work when you hit the sack, you will find that your mind floats into hundreds of things. Within micro seconds – every thing you experienced during the whole day comes to mind and relates them with other things, already stored up-to the brim in your brain.
This is the right time to divert your thinking towards the topic you want to write. Never mind if you are damn tired and fall asleep the moment you lay your back to the bed. You can very well go to sleep. But before that, for a split second, divert your thoughts towards the topic – enough.
The sub-conscious mind will be awake always, even when you are in deep slumber. It will go on working on the topic and like magic, when you wake up in the morning, it will readily get back to your thinking about the topic again. You must have observed that in the early mornings, your mind is very brisk and works fast.
This is the time most writers get their spark for writing and sit up before their computer to write. As already they had got the spark during the night, once they start typing the flow will be coming like a stream. They will pour everything the mind says into words, not bothering about shape, design, format, grammar, punctuation etc. All these come much later.
Why you should go into the above exercises? That is what we are going to see next (To be continued).

Free e-Course : Want to become a Writer?(Part 5)

Chapter I : Basics
Writers are not born (continued)
In the earlier parts (Click here to see the previous post)you did see that it is possible for you to become a writer yourself 100% if only you have – the will; the mind-set; the inclination; imagination; visualization of the future how it will be, if you become a writer; the passion to engage yourself in the writing pleasure and it is your thoughts you are pouring into words.
Yes – before starting to write you must think. Think calmly without any disturbance whatsoever. This is the thumb rule for any writing – a news report; story; novel; an article; an essay; a sales copy; press release; review and so on. When thinking clearly about a topic, you get the spark and it develops in your mind gradually. It starts flowing from that spark into what you are going to write about.
Many of us find the calm place to think is our bed. After a day’s work when you hit the sack, you will find that your mind floats into hundreds of things. Within micro seconds – every thing you experienced during the whole day comes to mind and relates them with other things, already stored up-to the brim in your brain.
This is the right time to divert your thinking towards the topic you want to write. Never mind if you are damn tired and fall asleep the moment you lay your back to the bed. You can very well go to sleep. But before that, for a split second, divert your thoughts towards the topic – enough.
The sub-conscious mind will be awake always, even when you are in deep slumber. It will go on working on the topic and like magic, when you wake up in the morning, it will readily get back to your thinking about the topic again. You must have observed that in the early mornings, your mind is very brisk and works fast.
This is the time most writers get their spark for writing and sit up before their computer to write. As already they had got the spark during the night, once they start typing the flow will be coming like a stream. They will pour everything the mind says into words, not bothering about shape, design, format, grammar, punctuation etc. All these come much later.
Why you should go into the above exercises? That is what we are going to see next (To be continued).

Free e-Course :Want to become a Writer?(Part 4)

Chapter I : Basics
Writers are not born (continued)
We have seen earlier (Click here to see previous post)- You can become a Writer 100%; what is wanted is the will; the way is to have the mind-set; imagining yourself as a writer by Visualization; which will create the Passion to writing pleasure. Yes – My friend – writing is a Pleasure. You can very well enjoy it. You become a creator. You express your thoughts into words by writing. And those words flow in your writing, every time differently and in various combinations.

If you speak, others will listen and that will go with the wind. But if you put it in writing, your thoughts become ever-lasting. Not only for others to read and enjoy, but also for you to look back as a painter of exquisite drawing, every time finishing, to enjoy yourself how you were able to make it so artistic, so beautiful. This is the inseparable Pleasure of writing.

Once you enjoyed this pleasure, everything becomes of secondary importance to you. Whenever you are away from the computer keyboard – for bathing; eating; sleeping and going out – you will be itching to get back to the computer for writing.

Life is full of pursuit of pleasure. If writing gives you that pleasure, each and every time you engage yourself into it, what else you want? Above everything, writing gives you the immense mental satisfaction as a creator, which no amount of money, wealth or other possessions in life can give you.

Money comes after writing like pup following its mother. You have a sea of opportunities for earning money through writing – good writing at that, by constant practice. You will feel very good becoming a Writer - and stand out above the rest in your social circle, as also enjoy the comforts money can buy.

Writing as a means of pleasure builds the passion – a desire to write. You refine your writing style; flow of words; combination of sentences; and explaining the subject you have taken to write about. This can be easily achieved by constant practice, because every time you write, you not only enjoy the pleasure, but also learn something new.

Your mind expands like a parachute to land you into the subject you are writing safely and comfortably. Because it is your thoughts you are pouring into words. Let us see how….. (To be continued)

Free e-Course :Want to become a Writer?(Part 3)

Chapter I : Basics
Writers are not born (continued)
We learnt that to become a writer, you must have INCLINATION and the positive mind- set. (Click here to see the previous post) We were talking about Visualization. What is it? This is directing your mind to work one way with a single focus. Whatever you want to become, can be achieved by Visualization. If you want to become a Writer, think of that whatever will happen to you as a Writer, in future.
Imagine - You have become a Writer. Family people, relatives and friends look upon you with awe. Your wife (or husband) goes on bragging that you are a Writer. People form an image about you as a Writer - a cut above the ordinary class. Whenever you meet them, you find something new in their eyes – an admiration – which was not there earlier. You write online. You write ebooks. You write web content. You write sales copy. You write Reviews; You write so many other things including stories, novels, science fiction and so on.
Imagine - You become a popular writer as J.K. Rowling. You earn a six figure income. You spend freely as you like and enjoy all the luxuries you have been longing for.
Believe me if you start Visualization as above, very frequently on a daily basis, it will become an obsession for you to become a Writer. This is the craving called INCLINATION, much needed for putting forth physical efforts, towards achieving your goal – You Become a Writer.
Without anybody telling you, you will start searching for ways and means to become a writer. If you have determination in your achieving the goal, you will not mind whatever comes between you and your ultimate goal. This obsession, this craving, this INCLINATION, will drive you day in and day out to become a Writer. Positive.
It is here you should understand what is PASSION. If you have passion for anything, say watching TV serials, or an action movie, or chatting with friends, can anything stop you from doing that? How much of interest you show in your passionate pastime? And how much you get irritated and impatient, if something comes between you and your passionate pastime? How you overcome all these obstacles and problems standing in the way and smash them in a snap to enjoy your passionate pastime?
This is exactly the power of PASSION. Anything you do with a passion – gardening; physical exercises; playing Bingo Games online; watching TV - will never get you tired, irrespective of the difficulties or long hours involved.
Likewise, if you engage yourself in Writing, it will become a PASSION for you. We will see more on this passionate writing pleasure. (To be continued)

Free e-Course :Want to become a Writer?(Part 2)

Chapter I : Basics
Writers are not born (continued)

We were talking about shedding complexes to become a Writer. (Click here to see the previous post) You can invent any number of lame excuses not to try and become a writer. The mind-set should be changed first into a positive one. The Power of Positive Mind has been explained time and again by psychological experts, right from Sigmund Freud– You Become What You Think You Are.

Your sub-conscious mind does all the tricks. If you think – I am happy; I am energetic; I have all the qualifications to become a popular writer (repeatedly every day) your sub-conscious mind starts to believe it. When you are asleep, it begins the work like magic and sets your brain attuned to this thinking. Result is you become interested in becoming a writer and go on looking forward to find ways and means, how to achieve your goal. This is what is called INCLINATION.

You can talk to your sub-conscious mind by a proven technique known as “Alpha Mind Power”. A whole book can be written on this subject and I will come to this later. For the time being, suffice it to say that you can convert your mind into a positive mind. You ask yourself these questions – Why I can not be a writer? What is preventing me?

Your mind will adduce reason after reason in the negative way. You are not alone in this and you have company of 92% of people like you. The majority count is “I have no time”. There can never be a lousy reason like this. Supposing somebody is going to give you $100,000 this evening exactly at 6 pm – won’t you be there at 5.55 pm sharp?

What about your other preoccupations? How did you find time to go all the way, get the money and return back home? So everything is possible, if only you have the right mind set. Time Management is another big subject worth a volume of writing. What you should know here is - if there is will there is way. If you consider becoming a writer most important for you, your mind will automatically tell you hundred and one ways of finding time in your daily schedule, however tight it is.

We will see what are the ways of visualization and how it enormously helps in your becoming a Writer. (To be continued)

Free e-Course :Want to become a Writer? (Part 1)

Chapter I : Basics
Writers are not born
Yes – be sure You can become a writer 100%. When the writing legend, Shakespeare, or for that matter Mark Twain, or the so called Millionaire-writers online were born, they were born as ordinary child like you and me. No people in the neighborhood came rushing to their home and took up the child above their head, yelling “ comes Shakespeare the doyen of English Literature.”
It is only in the later years, when they grown up, they became writers. They practiced the writing skill by and by and shot into fame. It shows, if you have the will you can become a writer. Take any famous writer you name, if looked closer, you will find it is not overnight they became popular. To achieve the place where they are, they have faced innumerable hurdles as every one of us face.
Writing is a SKILL any one can develop. There is no bar – gender; age; genre; country; region; caste; creed; language; highest education (a myth many are believing needed for writers) or anything whatsoever. Nobody can say only Americans can write – Africans or Asians should not. If you are able to read and write – enough - You can become a Writer. The one and only requirement is INCLINATION! Nothing else, Trust me. Writing is just nothing but expressing your thoughts into words – that’s all.
Have you ever thought of becoming a writer? I am sure many have, but backed up assuming (just assuming but not really) there are many defects in them, preventing them from being a writer. My friend - if you can think and convey your thoughts to others by speech, by body language or signs (if you can’t speak), through letters or emails, there is no reason why you can not be a Writer.
So first of all shed your complexes – I can not write Good English (who cares? – tell you a secret - 89.78% of people have an English knowledge of a 12th standard boy); Grammar mistakes come (luckily you have every computer in-built to correct your grammar - including that of yourstruly); I can not write cogently (can be corrected by practice); and so on.
We will see next why you should become a writer and what is to be done……until then start thinking on these lines.. (to be continued).
Ramaswamy Sundaram, Basic Author

Friday, November 27, 2009

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Monday, June 22, 2009

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