Saturday, December 12, 2009

Free e-Course :Want to become a Writer? (Part 1)

Chapter I : Basics
Writers are not born
Yes – be sure You can become a writer 100%. When the writing legend, Shakespeare, or for that matter Mark Twain, or the so called Millionaire-writers online were born, they were born as ordinary child like you and me. No people in the neighborhood came rushing to their home and took up the child above their head, yelling “ comes Shakespeare the doyen of English Literature.”
It is only in the later years, when they grown up, they became writers. They practiced the writing skill by and by and shot into fame. It shows, if you have the will you can become a writer. Take any famous writer you name, if looked closer, you will find it is not overnight they became popular. To achieve the place where they are, they have faced innumerable hurdles as every one of us face.
Writing is a SKILL any one can develop. There is no bar – gender; age; genre; country; region; caste; creed; language; highest education (a myth many are believing needed for writers) or anything whatsoever. Nobody can say only Americans can write – Africans or Asians should not. If you are able to read and write – enough - You can become a Writer. The one and only requirement is INCLINATION! Nothing else, Trust me. Writing is just nothing but expressing your thoughts into words – that’s all.
Have you ever thought of becoming a writer? I am sure many have, but backed up assuming (just assuming but not really) there are many defects in them, preventing them from being a writer. My friend - if you can think and convey your thoughts to others by speech, by body language or signs (if you can’t speak), through letters or emails, there is no reason why you can not be a Writer.
So first of all shed your complexes – I can not write Good English (who cares? – tell you a secret - 89.78% of people have an English knowledge of a 12th standard boy); Grammar mistakes come (luckily you have every computer in-built to correct your grammar - including that of yourstruly); I can not write cogently (can be corrected by practice); and so on.
We will see next why you should become a writer and what is to be done……until then start thinking on these lines.. (to be continued).
Ramaswamy Sundaram, Basic Author

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