Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What is Home Staging and How You Can Be Benefited?

Precisely it is a proven system to prepare your home for sale in such a way it looks most appealing to the prospective buyer. In this process, an Accredited Home Staging professional will magnify the advantages your home already has and would reduce the negatives to the best extent possible.

Why do Home Staging?

A good question. Well - let's face it - the US housing market is not what it was for decades. Gone are those days when home sellers were having the final say. Selling a home was easy just by listing it and setting the asking price. Virtually the home seller selected the buyer, among the many contenders for pricey locations, and put forth conditions of sale.

Now thanks to the tidal wave of foreclosure properties flooding the real estate market, it has become a buyers' market, where as many as 11 housing properties are made available with same qualifications, while searching online for a home. So home sellers have to change their strategies accordingly to impress upon the buyers.

Know the competition existing:

For example in Virginia Beach, VA, according to latest reports there are 4,300 properties listed for sale in MLS along with 1,287 properties listed for distressed sale under foreclosure. The inventory of unsold properties is mounting and your property will be lying one among them - if you do not use your prudence to make it heads above the other attractive properties, to pull the attention of the searcher like a piece of iron to magnet, to your property.

Home Staging will make the difference?

In a competitive market - consumer goods or real estate - the packaging does the trick. In a supermarket you have gone for shopping - which attracts your attention first - the beautifully displayed items or the sack-packs lying on the floor? Likewise your house put in the market for sale is a commodity that should attract those entering the store - the online list of properties for sale.

What is needed for Home Staging?

Nothing more than the realistic approach to the situation. Yes - your house is comfortable for you and you love it for the reason that you hard-earned it, but the buyer can't necessarily see this. You think your house needs no Home Staging and why should you spend extra money when you are selling. If this is your line of thinking - sorry - you are missing a lot.

Forget for a while you are the owner of the house and step into the shoes of the buyer you want to buy your home. From the front door to the backyard - if you view with a critical eye, you are sure to find many "ifs" and "buts" to deter the buyer from appreciating the house.

This is exactly where an Accredited Home Staging professional can do magic. They know - by experience and expertise gained through staging a number of houses, how to make your home look pleasing to the buyers on all aspects. And ultimately you are going to reap the harvest of profits - many times more than the cost of Home Staging - in making your home sell in faster and at the price you ask for.

Home Staging is many faceted subject - go to - you will learn a lot and get more tips absolutely free.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Have Free Darshan of Lord Balaji of India

You know Lord Balaji is the richest Temple and Deity in India!
Any Indian wherever he is will immediately recognize him.
Devotees from all over India and abroad throng His Temple
Just to have a glimpse of Him….
They don’t mind the hassles, inconveniences and discomforts in waiting to have Balaji Dharshan! You know why? They have unassailable faith in Him..and faith can move mountains. Psychologically also when millions of people send in their waves of mind in a particular place, the shrine gets power … a power that heals, fulfills wishes and gives immense mental peace and harmony.
Instead of undergoing all the above hassles in visiting His Temple, you can have Balaji Darshan – a rare dharshan, for which many are ready to spend thousands of rupees, totally FREE.
Believe in HIM and HE will take care of all your Wishes. Today is Saturday, considered auspicious to have Balaji Dharshan…… Enjoy!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Are you really interested in losing weight?

Obesity is a universal problem. Being overweight is the concern of many and so if you feel you are bulky than others, don’t worry – you are not alone and have company. Overweight is certainly manageable and controllable – if only you understand the real facts about obesity and are determined to bring it to normalcy.

There are hundreds of thousands of articles on “weight loss” if you search online. All of them are unanimous in proclaiming that there are ways to combat this problem, depending on individual lifestyles. There are no “one size fits to all” methods to bring down overweight of a person.

Broadly it can be said that a person gets overweight by –
 Food intake habits – the calories taken in through the food items not spent properly and excess fat and glucose gets deposited inside the body cells
 Lack of physical activity – eating, sleeping and eating again
 Inherited from parents.

Let’s see in detail.

Food intake habits:
This changes from country to country and from person to person. While the Europeans eat bread and meat dishes, the Asians mostly eat rice and vegetables. It is said that obesity remains a main matter of concern in European countries, particularly among the younger generations. Reason being - the present day world is hectic compared to olden days, in running after money frantically.

The fast food culture is spreading like epidemic. Youngsters have no time to sit at the dining table and eat what their mothers carefully prepare for them. (It's a different matter that many mothers work and do not have time to create nutritious meals for their family) Instead they snatch some snacks in fast-food outlets and down them with aerated drinks like coke. Very easily these junk food items damage the digestive organs, which convert the food you intake into energy, and spoil the natural routine functions inside.

Secondly, there is no alternative than pure and simple water, to help your body organs to digest your food well. Aerated drinks are deadly in this regard – the chemicals and gas contained therein are enough to spoil your digestion.
Thirdly, your body needs a balanced meal every time. Therefore eat Carbohydrates, fat, fiber, minerals and vitamins mixed in correct proportions. This is elementary science.

Vegetables have plenty of these essential ingredients. So if you are conscious about you’re keeping good health and correct weight, take a note of all the above points. Concentrate on your food habits and ensure you eat good and balanced food each time. See your plate is filled with bread, meat, vegetables and monounsaturated fat items every time and in the right proportions. Be conscious about your weight whenever you sit for eating. Take plenty of plain water between meals. This is the first step you should take in losing extra weight and keep fit.

Lack of Physical activity:
As we did see already – the food intake is converted into energy inside your body cells. This energy should be spent every day in your physical activities – walking, running, riding, swimming, and physical exercises. If not, there is stagnation of glucose in your blood and body cells, which gets deposited as unwanted fat in bringing lot of disorders and diseases like – blood sugar; blood pressure; high cholesterol and overweight.

Be aware – but don’t be scared – overweight is the reason for inviting more troubles like heart attack, coronary blocks, kidney overwork; and simply taxing every functional organs inside your body unduly.

So the next step in controlling your body weight is ensuring appropriate spending of energy in the right way. If you are already getting the proper exercise there is no need for this advice. Instead, if you have no physical activities in your work – for example sitting in an office and whiling away your time without moving, then you should seriously consider doing physical exercises in the morning each day. It is not hard as you may think – some simple exercise of moving your head, limbs and walking for just half-an-hour will do.

Inheritance from your parents:
You can’t expect to be a slim person, if your father or mother was obese. All you can do is adopt precautionary measures explained above and be vigilant about your weight. It is quite normal that you are somewhat bulky like your parents – so far as you are aware of the causes being overweight.

Do you need “dieting”?
Experts are of the opinion this is a myth, believed by people widely. You should understand that putting overweight does not occur overnight. It is a slow process, taking at least months, if not years. So the reduction in weight can also occur over a period gradually.

There are no short cuts or crash courses for making you slim. The ads saying so are keen on your money – if you undertake these courses – well – only your wallet will become “slim” and not your body.

Finally – Remember – controlling your body weight is completely in your hands. Your body is unique, which only you are aware of. There can be no generalization, since your obesity depends on many factors illustrated above. If you are really interested in losing weight – believe it – you can definitely do so, by following the tips most suitable to you as an individual. All the Best!

How to write a College Admission Essay?

You can write a College Admission Essay easily – If only You Understand the Objective Fully.

Are you facing the College Admission Process? Advance Congrats for your success. You will certainly come out successful by learning the intricacies involved – including writing a College Admission Essay – in getting you admitted in a good College or University of your choice.

First of all think about it – why a College Admission Essay is insisted upon? Well – it is the way the Admission Committee – more specifically the Admission Officer – would come to know about your vision, capabilities, line of thinking, mental attitude and comprehensively your inner-self as a person. They are anxious to select a bright student, rather than a clumsy one.

Things are not as what they were in every field – including college admission. There is stiff competition and hundreds of applicants are in the fray for a single seat. More so in the case of Colleges and Universities of fame. Obviously, the admission authorities are compelled to be choosy, to select the best among the bests.
So if you wish to stand a good chance in their selection process, the only opportunity you have is to impress upon them - your individuality, uniqueness and your standing above the rest, through the College Admission Essay. This is a tool completely under your control, since other aspects like your previous records, grades, past achievements, extra-curricular activities etc. can only support your claim for admission.

Simply put, your College Admission Essay will speak for you. Hence you have to make best use of this opportunity in your own interest. Your Essay will be not more than 500 words at best and can be perused within 2 to 3 minutes, to decide upon your admission or rejection.
This follows – you should attach utmost importance to your College Admission Essay. Remember – the reader of your Essay has the experience and expertise, having scrutinized hundreds of similar Essays earlier. The moment they see it – they will come to know the in and out of you. Therefore a well written College Admission Essay with care and caution will make you in good stead.

But that does not mean they are expecting you to be a Milton or Mark Twine, to write a great Essay. All that is wanted is a simple, honest, truthful and flawless narration of anything – an idea; a thesis; an event or your personal experience in your past life. You need not take great problems to analyze, like down-turn Global economy; Global warming; Presidential election etc. Instead you can write about what you feel on human sufferings; friendship; love; or even your pet dog.

The reader should get absorbed from the beginning to the end of your College Admission Essay – the theme; the flow; simple and clear use of words; clarity on what you wish to tell the reader in an authoritative style. You should take care to edit your Essay – expert writers recommend at least 6 times –before submitting it finally.

That’s all – you are done – you have made a very impressive and purposeful College Admission Essay.